
Softcard Payment App

Softcard, a mobile payment app that was acquired by Google, offers a simple and easy way to carry the contents of your wallets and pay with your phone, helping to save money and collect rewards as you go (the Apple Pay before Apple Pay).

Adding value

Adding value

By knowing the user's location and connecting merchant coupons, loyalty card and payment cards at the point of sale, it provided additional user value than just swiping a physical credit card. Saving time, effort and money for it's customers.

Putting it Together

Putting it Together

As the Creative Director for the product design team, our focus was to provide a holistic customer experience across all touch points. We worked closely with financial and merchant partners to ensure seamless integration with their backend systems, as well as our internal sales and marketing teams for consistent messaging and brand expression.

Launch of iPhone and Windows

Launch of iPhone and Windows

Soon after the Android launch, the team crafted designs to support both iPhone and Windows OS. 

Softcard Branding

Softcard Branding

The Softcard identity echoes the product’s utility and innovative versatility. Working together with the talented folks at Work & Co., the logo was inspired by the card shapes that so uniquely identify the experience of the app. It serves as a flexible container for both the myriad items you can purchase with the tap of your phone, and the partner brands that you can trust. 
